I’m back on my mat. I was gone for a while doing this and that, focusing on school, career, you know-life. I was then stopped in my tracks, the big C….now what? My body had betrayed me, my mind wasn’t far behind and my soul was no where to be found. Like any challenging time in life, you get through it, you do what you have to, It is what it is. Now on the other side, I am no longer that person. I am healed- for now. I’m back on my mat, my body and mind are different, my soul gathering the courage to be the new me. I am re-recalibrating, finding my balance, courage and inner peace. All of which can be found on my mat.
My transformation has just begun…. to quote St. Francis of Assisi
Lord make me an instrument of they peace
Where there is hatred let me sow love
Where there is injury, pardon
Where there’s is doubt, faith
Where there is darkness, light
Where there is sadness joy
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