In my yoga training, my teacher would have us choose a word for the New Year. A word that would act as catalyst for an intention we set for ourselves for the upcoming year.
I remember one year her word was WOW. Wow to her meant that she would find the excitement, the joy, the “aww” in her everyday life – the “wow” of a newly bloomed flower, the “wow” of a stranger’s smile, the “wow” of a morning sunrise…. It’s amazing how a word can make such an impact in your life.
Intention carrying can be difficult at times. I say “intention carrying” instead of “intention setting”. I find it easy to set an intention. Carrying it through each day becomes more difficult (for me). A word that seems quite simple. A simple word as a mantra, something to repeat throughout the day to remind me of my intentions/goals.
My word for 2020 is ACTION.
We all have ideas, goals and intentions but they remain just that without action. The Universe wants to give us everything we desire but without action we remain idle in life. Many say “New Year New Me” as the New Year approaches and I like to take the “New Me” part as people wanting to continue to grow and make changes to better themselves.
I thought about “New Me” and realized it will only happen with action. You want a new job then you have to write that resume; want to eat healthier, you have to buy healthy food, then cook it, then eat it; want to read more – pick up a book; want to run a marathon – go out and train; want to get more sleep – go to bed earlier; want to be more productive in the morning – get up and make use of your time. So many of us procrastinate in some way and the sheer definition of it, is basically the lack of action. (procrastinate: delay or postpone action; put off doing something) Procrastination is a thief of growth and success and it has left me idle in life all too often. Action is the key to movement forward and so “New Me” is achieved by action.
I will remind myself of my word each day to make positive movement throughout the year.
What’s your word?
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