Jennifer shares her experience and meaning during the pandemic PAUSE.
Play ~ Watching my three young children return to days of carefree, creative and explorative play fills my heart with happiness. Let them be little.
Appreciation ~ My husband has a greater appreciation for my role as chief operating officer of our household after spending three months working from home J.
Understanding ~ Reflecting upon the situations over the past few years that left us confused and searching for meaning at the time, has led us to a deeper understanding of why these moments needed to occur, in the timing that they did, in order to prepare us for this present moment.
Simplicity ~ Reducing our family’s schedule to what is most needed, and not getting caught in the rat race of what is most wanted, has given us the grace to embrace simplicity.
Empathy ~ I may be in the midst of my own storm, but I understand that many others are navigating the waters at the same time, each with their own boats, loaded with their own belongings. We will weather this storm together by living with love, light and empathy.
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