Don’t Let My Heart Stop Beating

Don’t Let My Heart Stop Beating

This is a tribute to my best friend Nancy.  I am keeping my promise.

She looked me in the eye the day we were going to begin our next “regroup” to conquer the cancer that was now attacking her lungs with fluid. The hospital had thrown in the towel and she had been transported home.

She came home to be surrounded by love, support, hope, and the belief in miracles. She was determined she was not going to die. We were standing in the miracle, as we started an alternative approach to healing cancer. I had been assigned the role of “keeping her grounded” in case the “alternative” treatment made her loopy.

That is when she looked me directly in the eye and said, “don’t let my heart stop beating.”

Nancy knew I loved a mission, and I would show up in total support, with dedicated vigor, to keep her heart beating. I have to admit, I felt it was a huge responsibility, but I was there for her!

Nancy left her body a few days later.

It’s been a hard year with out the physical presence of my best friend Nancy. I feel her every day, miss her every moment.

Yet, her heart has not stopped beating!  Nancy’s heart was filled with pure love. Love is expansive and Nancy’s love was unconditional. Love does not stop the heart from beating. Cancer may have taken her physical body, but I am here to say her heart beats daily in conversation, miraculous signs, and continuous thoughts. Her heart beats on with her amazing and beautiful family, her connection to friends and community.

Don’t worry Nancy-I am still on the mission. Your heart will never stop beating.


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